FIXED: Multiple MIDI interface with same name doesn't work?

I’m using touchboards from bare conductive to send midi signal to TD.

This is the sketch i’m using

When i connect one board it is recognized in touch and i can map it in MIDI mapping dialog but if i connect more than one the second doesn’t work.
In the dropdown menù i see two board and i can create 2 distinct mapping but in the midi consolle i don’t receive any message from one of the two board.
By disconnecting the board from wich touch receive message i could receive message from the second board that does not work before.
The boards works well in Ableton concurrently, and i can see the two board with name touchboard and touchboard#2
I’m using W10 and Touchdesigner 2019.20140 Pro

Other user report same problem

Hey Mattia,

have you tried changing the name of one of your MIDI devices?
if you are using the Arduino IDE with those boards, this is a tutorial that shows you how:

Hope that helps!

Hi Fausto,
Yes we use the arduino ide, that is promising, I will test tomorrow as soon I will be in studio…
Thanks for the link

Hi Fausto,
I have try with this method and i couldn’t assign a name to the board, i have done several test.
By changing only the name“Touch Board”
To:“Test Uno”
Do nothing as you say.

By changing the two variable on top
This give me “USB I/O Board” when connected to pc

The funny think is that if i connect 2 board named:
USB I/O Board
This two boards work in touch only if i use a general “Midi In” Chop and not “Midi in map” but my problem is that i need to conne 3 of those boards and i cannot rename the third one.

Hi Sorry for the delay.
This is something we’re still investigating.
We will update as soon.

So one thought, if it works in the MIDI In CHOP, but not MIDI In Map CHOP, that suggests you haven’t selected a suitable mapping for each device in your MIDI Device Mapper?

Still confused how 2 devices with same port name are being recognized in other software applications, but not TouchDesigner. Can you send us the toe file where it works in just the MIDI In CHOP?


The case with duplicate names has now been fixed in 2020.20300+

Hi Rob.
Thank you a lot!