FIXED: panel click() right keyword

sorry if i am being obtuse

TEST is a container COMP



td.error: Call contains unexpected keywords: right

build 21300

I think you need a U and V for the point to be clicked, then from there the other flags are optional. Try this:

op('TEST').click(0.5, 0.5,right=True)

unfortunately that throws the same error… with any UV settings…

it seems to be the container comp that is the issue

this works on a button comp…


Just tested it and I’m seeing the same behaviour. Although I can change the UV in the container with just


once I add any of the arguments after that I get that error. That was build 22880 for me.

It is a bug with container and slider COMP. Will be fixed with the next release (088.26060+). Thanks for the report!

When I try to set a slider using python

it threw the error message
td.error: Invalid number or type of arguments. See help for details.

I finally realized that this was because the slider was occasionally disabled.

interestingly, when I used the workaround
op(‘slider’).panel.u.val = 0.5
the error informed that the panelValue was disabled, and I should use the force.
td.error: PanelValue is disabled, use force option.

which led me to the solution (force=True).
perhaps it would be a good idea to change the error message to the latter, when click() on slider fails due to disabled PanelValue.

Thanks for the report. Error messages will be updated in 59930+.