FIXED: particleGpu preset

I get an error when I recall my preset.

I forgot to say that Iā€™m on windows 10 with 2021.14360 - Jul 01 2021.

Can I ask if this is the same project you made the preset in? If not, I would guess that when you grab the particalgen from the pallet it loads the same default .tox any of us would get.

Try going back to a save where it was loaded and either save that as a new .tox, or drag it into a custom fokder of yours in the pallet.

The surface level problem is that the custom parameter Camera is set to 1280.0. You can see it in the screenshot. This is incorrect because it should be a camera component such as cam1 or a path to a camera /project1/cam1. Something might be weird with the preset component. Did you add or remove custom parameters after creating a preset?

@basementvibes this true for me also with a new project
@DavidBraun yes you are right. No this is all new project where I grab a new istanceparticleGpu from palette

Could you have a try with a new project to see if this is true only for me? Thanks!

Yeah its a bug in the preset system, I can get the same result.

@ben thank you!

Hey @armonico

A fix will be available in the next stable build.

Meanwhile, you can find attached the fixed palette .tox file.

particlesGpu.tox (545.7 KB)


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You made my day. Thanks a million!

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