FIXED: Read-only Custom Parameter references break when selected and cut (cntrl + x)

I have noticed that if I have a parameter in expression mode, I can break the expression by selecting the text in the parameter field and cutting with control + x. This will break the reference and leave the remained of the evaluated expression (not including what was selected when cut).

Discovered in TD 11880 but then tried in TD 2022 and was still present. I guess in theory, one should never cut a parameter field like that…

However, I first noticed this with a read-only parameter and I feel like it shouldn’t be able to break those.

step by step to recreate:
Create base
Add string parameter
Add python expression / set par.mode to expression
Select the field (not expanded expression field) and cut

weird one! I’ll get it into the bug queue

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Thanks for the report. This will be fixed in our next experimental release.

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