FIXED: Script SOP Cooking - 2023.11340

Tested Platform

Windows 11
TouchDesigner 2023.11340

It looks like there may be a change in the way cooking on script SOPs (other ops too?) behaves with respect to optimized expressions on custom pars.

Current Behavior

Parameter updates from optimized expressions do not trigger cooks on the Script SOP.

Expected Behavior

Par changes from expressions trigger cooking on Script SOPs.


The easiest way to reproduce is to open the op snippets for the Script SOP, and look at example modify and add. The custom pars with expressions do not trigger any cooks on the Script SOP.

You can compare the same snippet between 2023.11340 and 2022.35320 to see the behavior difference with respect to cooking

Other notes

In 2023.11340 cooks are still triggered by directly interacting with the custom parameter, or by using exports:

Hi @raganmd

I see the issue, thanks for the great report.

I’ve logged it for a developer to look into it.


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This will be fixed in build 2023.11411+.


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Thanks for the update, and a big kudos to the team for such a fast fix.