FIXED:Slider Panel Bug

I’ve been having some issues with vertical slider panels, and there’s one bug I have been able to consistently recreate. I may also possibly just not be understanding how they differ from horizontal sliders so please let me know if this is user error:

I cannot reference the value of a slider from a constant CHOP to control the value of a vertical slider panel. It will not consistently update with the value of the slider from the controller. The only workaround I have found is if I reference the value of the MIDI slider for the RGB color values of the slider panel, the referenced value will update as well.

I am on build 2023.11880 on MacOS Sonoma 14.4.

Edit: The second bug mentioned was user error, I didn’t realize I added a parent container and its alignment was affecting the children’s alignment.

Can you post a simple version of your network please, with instructions on how to reproduce?

SliderPanel.toe (5.3 KB)

Here it is. Using a constant CHOP, the value seems to work fine as a reference, but the graphic knob of the vertical slider doesn’t update unless the cook is forced. However, getting the value to be referenced using the value from a MIDI controller does not seem to work on my side of things. Horizontal slider panels don’t seem to be an issue so I’ve just been using those but I will need vertical sliders for my final build.

Definitely a bug there! Thanks for report, I’ll add it to the queue.

I appreciate the time you put into making a nice example :slight_smile:

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This will be fixed in the next posted build.

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