FIXED: TDAbleton Connection Error and eventual crashes [Corrupt package]

Hi. I was working on quite an extensive Ableton project. Everything was working fine and I did quite a bit of patching, but suddenly my Ableton started popping/crackling and my current project couldn’t connect to TD anymore. TDAbleton works fine with new and other previous projects, just isn’t able to connect to my current project. Reinstalled TDA, opened diff TD instances, rebooted - nothing works. Ableton freezes and crashes, and there’s massive glitch and delay in-between.

I am having to use two blank TD and Ableton projects (connected them from the get-go), and dragged back all my previous files and reinstated them. I am not a coder hence I can’t debug this. I’m using a MacBook Pro 16" 2019 with os Catalina 10.15.6. Using the Ableton and TD’s latest releases as well.

Attached pic for what it looked like on the top level.

There’ve been some cases when TDAbleton is overloaded by very large Ableton projects, especially when using a lot of TDAbleton comps. Try putting TDA_Ignore devices anywhere that doesn’t need to connect to TDAbleton.

You can also send your live set (use Collect All and Save) and toe file to and I’ll see if I can give more specific help.

Thanks @Ivan slight_smile:

That’s probably what happened here. Ableton live works well on its own but it is when the connections are made that some parts of the set get cpu spikes causing the audio to crackle. TD uses a single core but does it overlap with Ableton’s cpu usage? I’m using a 2.4 GHz 8-Core Intel Core i9. I’ll try the TDA_Ignore amxd and hope it helps with the performance.

Let me collect that live set + the toe file and share it with you for closer observation.
Thanks for taking the time to answer. Cheers!

What version of TouchDesigner are you running?

2020.25380 :slight_smile:

Still trying to figure out what happened exactly.

The symptom was that somehow the tdAbleton package was corrupt. Specifically, I saw this by looking inside the abletonBase component that is in every TDAbleton component. In your file, it was empty. This component is cloned from the TDAbleton package, and contains common functionality for all TDAbleton components. Again, the particular way your file was corrupt is that this component (along with all its clones) was empty.

To fix it, I just deleted your tdAbletonPackage component, dragged in a new one from the palette, and pressed Update All… on the Utilities parameter page.

Still very curious how your package was corrupted. Do post if you can remember or see it happen again!

Hey Ivan thanks for sharing your experience of treating this file. Yes it is strange as it wasn’t heavy on TD’s end.

But there was no warning. I remember using a simpler but with heavy duty, and one audio sample that was in complex pro mode. These spots in the set made Ableton cpu spikes. Initially it was okay, but as the TD file started getting heavier, there were these glitches in the audio and after sometime I could see that it started getting laggy. and eventually it couldn’t connect no more. From the fb post, there was a suggestion that it could be from CPU spikes, since TD runs on a single thread, and if there’s a cpu spike on ableton, it may have prompted a cpu overload which disconnected the TDAbleton system to a point. I am not sure but I suppose that is my best guess as it came with no warning.

thanks for debugging this :slight_smile:

No problem. Since we didn’t really find the cause, please send files again as soon as you see it happening if you see it happening. Would love to find out more.

Thanks Ivan. It seems to have that ‘requesting connection to live’ pop up, but at times it fails to connect. So my process is to boot TD and then the Live set to establish the connection, and not boot up TD in the middle. Will share if the problem pops up. Cheers

Not sure if it’s related, but sometimes the connection between TD and Live has problems because OSC/UDP ports are not closing properly. Sometimes closing the apps and re-opening works. Other times you have to reboot.

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that’s true. Interestingly there is no order of which to open first, TD or Live. It’s kind of a trial and error. Not sure if it can be fixed in the future, but for now reopening the applications does the trick! :slight_smile: