You can see I’m specifying an rgb of 255,255,128
, but the output color is 255,255,55
color_issue.toe (4.6 KB)
You can see I’m specifying an rgb of 255,255,128
, but the output color is 255,255,55
color_issue.toe (4.6 KB)
There’s also a small typo on the text formatting page:
Missing )
Thanks for the report. That was a known issue with our font library that should be fixed in the next release. The library is actually expecting sRGB values rather than linear ones, which means that 128 gets mapped to 55 in the final output.
The example on the wiki page has also been fixed now.
Thanks @robmc
It would be cool if we could somehow also use a 0-1 range to match how a Specification DAT works with Text COMP, as well as most other places in TD.
yeah, I agree that would be more consistent. However, we’re always a little wary of how much customization we do to third party libraries because it can lead to problems integrating new updates/features in the future, but I’ll bring the idea up with the team.