FIXED:TimecodeCHOP to LTCout problem


I’m not sure if it’s a bug or if it’s an intended behavior but if I create a Timecode CHOP running at 30 FPS and feed that to a LTCout CHOP and then to a LTCin CHOP it does not seem to work unless I lower the project framerate to 30 FPS. If I put the framerate of the project back at 60 FPS the LTCIn CHOP does not report the correct time anymore

timecodeProblem.toe (4.1 KB)

Windows 11
TDBuild 2023.11280

This bug will be fixed in the next official build we release: 2023.11300+. Thanks for the report.

The bug is due to an error evaluating timecode2 as a constant. To workaround the bug in the meantime you can simply switch to python mode and instead use the expression op('timecode2').timecode.

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