FIXED:TopViewer loop dependency bug (or?:)

Hi this is my first topic so :smiley:

I want to use the TopViewer as part of my design. Like I have a nice CHOP data from a 9dof sensor and use a trail with it. After I use a TopVievew wich I add to my other tops with compositTop.
But I get every time a loopDependency warning when I do it, but nothing is looped or connected to the opViewer in a loop (I think). I also tried it out in a blank project where I place a single LFO and then use the opViewer and if I add a level or any TOP after the opViewer I get the warning.

Please help me to solve my problem, thx

Hi @PappGergely,

if you middle mouse click onto the operator with the yellow warning triangle, you should get a info screen that includes some details on the operators involved in the cook dependency loop.
Can you post an image of that info popup? It might be even more helpful to post your full toe file - the loop might actually be in a different area of your project.


I created a fresh empty project when I was debugging the problem, and I could reproduce the warning, with just 3 OPs. It appears if I have anything after the OP viewer. I reduced the frame rate to 10fps so the warning appears more stady. With 60 it flickers so fast that sometimes it is hard to see.

I have the latest build of TD.
I use a PC with an AMD Radeon RX 7900 XTX

I attached the screenshot.

thx for the help

Hi @PappGergely,

thanks, I can replicate this and we logged the bug.


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This will be fixed in builds 2023.11950 and later.

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