FIXED: Touch088 sluggish interface


On my system framerate displaying only a few DATs on screen with Touch088 goes quickly to 15 fps, when I have a rock solid 60 fps with Touch077 :frowning:

It’s version 8280 x64.
It’s with a quadro k2000m, I tried it with optimus disabled in the bios, but same result.

See attached screenshot, it’s from the ableton sync project.


I’m noticing some odd interface slow downs as well. I feel like my interfaces used to run fine (fps at 60 with viewers closed. Now when I’m zoomed out looking at a network, my rate drops to 40- 45, no viwers open, nothing even cooking. It’ll go back to 60 when i zoom in and can see less.

Maybe just some newness in the interface or drivers or something? I’m all fully updated nvidia drivers, TD 088 8280, GTX650

Thanks for the report, this bug is now fixed. It’s a recent bug that came in the last month or so, so if you’ve encountered slower UI rendering in 088 previously please report those cases also. I’m still ironing out all the cases that newer driver features can end up being slower than older methods I used to use.

Hi Malcom, that’s great. 8280 is the first 088 I try, can’t compare with the previous ones though.

Just tried the new build, back at 60fps in the same conditions :slight_smile:
By the way, the download link is pointing to the old one.