FIXED: Unable to complete parameter drop in 2023


when I try to drop Window Length parameter from Trail CHOP into Component Editor of its parent (Base COMP), I get following error in latest 2023 build:

Unable to complete parameter drop.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/sys/TDDialogs/CompEditor/CompEditorExt", line 1221, in onDropParameter
  File "/sys/TDDialogs/CompEditor/CompEditorExt", line 1907, in LegalNewParName
  File "/sys/TDDialogs/CompEditor/CompEditorExt", line 1918, in LegalParName
AttributeError: 'float' object has no attribute 'strip'

Ah, thank you for report! Will be fixed in next release.

Workaround is to expand the parameter group by clicking on name and dragging the name of the individual par you want (probably wlength). Note that there are not currently custom parameter types that include the units on the same line. You need to make a separate custom parameter for that.

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Great, thanks for a workaround - yeah, I was just trying to drag wlength :slight_smile: