FIXED:USD COMP doesn't import custom primitive attributes

Hi, I’m trying to use a USD COMP to import a model which has custom attributes. However, on import the SOP geo just has v and N point attributes. This seems to be the case whether I’m attempting to use custom point or custom primitive attributes.

Attributes are expected to work, correct? I’m basing this off the following line from the USD In TouchDesigner doc page:

The Primvars in USD are considered as custom attributes in TouchDesigner and their interpolations types will be converted as of the standard types in TouchDesigner (i.e. Point, Vertex, and Primitive).

I’ve attached a basic test sphere with custom point and primitive attributes. These show up if I view the model in usdview, but when imported via the USD COMP they do not.

Custom attributes are point_thing and prim_thing. (2.1 KB)

Thanks for the report. This will be fixed in the next official build.

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