FIXED: UTF8 pb on macOS ?


using a Text DAT with character encoding results in faulty characters (mostly quotes and accents). Even when TD is set to use UNIX character encoding.

converting the text into Windows Latin1 is ok

using TD 099 2017.16360 under macOS Sierra



some heads up… well i can’t figure out how to work with accentuated text (french)

I have tried UTF8, Windows Latin 1, ISO Latin 1 …

Either i have false character on accentuated characters, or randomly wrapped words
text.tox (1.51 KB)

While I do get all the accents rendering in the text you provided, TouchDesigner currently does not support unicode in Text DATs so those characters outside extended ASCII can not be read in through DATs.

To use the unicode feature in the Text TOP, you must load your text in through python from an external file. The process is explained here. … le=Unicode

We are currently working on full unicode support for a future version of TouchDesigner, you can expect it to be released later this year.


thanks for the suggestion !
i am trying the python way but no luck so far…

I’ll have a deeper look.
Still investigating.

Thanks lot

Here is a working example. Note that your text file must be saved with “UTF8” encoding. I just used Notepad to save this file. (4.8 MB)


ok this is what i was doing.

Here is your example using my text. This doesn’t look right.

Text is saved from cotEditor using UTF8 with BOM in plain text.
The same happens using mac TextEdit, BBEdit or Atom text editors.

I am working under macOS 10.12.6 with TD 099 2017.16360
I didn’t try under Windows.

for the record, this is what i end up with (4.76 MB)

Could you explain what is wrong with the output. When I run the file you posted it looks the same as the text in the .txt file. The screengrab you added is cut off in the forum, please add it to a .zip but I am still unsure of what I should be looking at, everything looks fine on this end.


ok, this is a bit more subtle than i thought.

Indeed, when i open the toe file, everything works.
Now i need to change something in the text so i edit the text file and run the script again : now the text is corrupted.

see attached zip :

  • ok.png is what it should look like (when opening the project file)
  • ko.png is the corrupted result after editing the text file.

Now maybe i am not editing the file or reloading it the right way ?

thanks (544 KB)

Thank you, with those details I was able to reproduce unexpected spacing in the file after saving. I’ll commit this to our bug queue.

This bug is now fixed. Fix will be in the next 2017.10000 series and 2018.20000 series we post.
Thanks for the report and test case!

Hi @Gallo, a new official build has been posted now with this fix. (2017.16620)


Thanks a lot for the heads up and your great reactivity !

everything works now !

looking forward to use unicode in text TOPs :wink:

thanks again