Floating cloud license, check for local before codemeter

I’ve had this issue for some time since becomeing a floating cloud license user (pretty much as soon as it became available), and I’d like to vent and offer potential solutions

I have a standard commercial license that I keep on whatever primary show machine I’m working on, and my cloud license on all of my other machines so that I can work wherever I am on a laptop, debug on mac versions, temporarily enable installation machines etc. I jumped onboard right away with the floating cloud so that my workflow could be similar to all other programs I have seats with, i.e. Adobe Suite, Resolume, Madmapper etc., allowing me to remotely manage my activations, deactivate a license from an offline machine, and always have access to a commercial registration.

A big problem that has consistently dampered my enthusiasm on how TD cloud licencing works is that when starting TD, it checks for a CodeMeter license first, and if found, uses that license, overriding any standard licensing that may already be registered to that machine. This means is that even though my primary machine has a normal commercial license associated with it, if the cloud license is available, that license gets used and is unavailable to a secondary machine, while the local license is disregarded and rendered inaccessible. To get around this I have to shut down my main computer to free up the cloud license for a second machine, forcing me to do the same TeamViewer shennanigans I purchased cloud license in an attempt to avoid, or asking studiomates with their own license on a shared machine to shut down so I can free up my cloud license when needed on a gig, which is a massive headache

There are a number of suggestions I could make for the ways I wish licencing worked, including the ability to manage my own standard licenses from my derivative account online like many other softwares allow, but that might require changes to the entire licencing system and web portal that I probably shouldn’t hold my breath for. However, a check when loading TD for a local license at the same time codemeter is assessed would make this system much more usable, perhaps with a user preference for giving a locally registered license priority over codemeter to avoid these conflicts.

Dongles are a PITA, and I’d rather avoid that route for now, but if this isn’t something that is likely to change, perhaps I could chat with someone about converting my floating license to a dongle, because the current system unfortunately doesn’t solve the problems that it is meant to