I’ve not been able to get an acceptable latency tweaking either the audio in or out buffers in touch. I didn’t know if they were in seconds or milliseconds.
MY actual question is at the bottom of the post! there’s a lot here but I just wanted to explain my findings as best as possible first.
Audio IN:
Driver: ASIO
Device: Focusrite Scarlett ASIO
Rate: 44100
Buffer Length: .03 (as low as I can go)
Audio OUT:
Driver: ASIO
Device: Focusrite Scarlett ASIO
Buffer Length: .1 (I was able to go as low as .08, )
This is my current testing setup:
In the below image/video, I have an mp3 playing from an external source. it sends a pulse every so often. You can hear 3 simultaneous pulses:
[url]- YouTube
The first pulse is from the 2i2’s direct monitor output. So that’s the 0-latency reference point.
The second pulse is the audio input in touch being passed straight through to an audio out (with all the above settings)
The third pulse is the second one with a delay CHOP. I used this to get an idea how many MS a delay I was getting as I was unsure how else to debug that. That delay is .17 seconds.
So if I’m thinking correctly, thats .17 minus audioIn’s .03 buffer which leaves me with .14 of a delay coming from somewhere.
The 140 milliseconds is enough delay to where the animations being driven by it feel more random than synced to the music.
I know the hardware / driver CAN work, as I’ve gotten results in another application.
In Reaper, the preferences look like this:
When I click on “Asio Configuration” it brings up this driver configuration panel:
and configuring through these settings does everything I’d expect it should. I am able to monitor the recording as well as hear the 0 latency output in this application too and the latency goes WAY down when set. I can get it well within the 15-30 ms range
However there’s no option to bring up a dialogue like that in touch. However I can go to program files / scarlett / USB 2.0 Audio Driver and there’s an exe for a control panel there that looks like this:
It’s not the same though, and it’s 3 radio bubble options don’t bring the latency down anywhere near where it needs to be.
My only guess is that it’s using some generalized control panel scheme and defaulting the ASIO buffer size to it’s max of 4096 samples, or something close to that (this is the max in the drop down in the Reaper control panel version)
[b]- Do you have any thoughts as to what might be keeping the device from properly working or at least configuring?
-Do you know of any other tried and true small or relatively inexpensive audio interfaces people have used successfully in conjunction with touch designer to achieve lower latencies? (I only need to pull in a single stereo input at this point)[/b]
I’m in contact with Focusrite too and I will mention the different control panels to try and dig a little deeper there, as I feel that’s indication of something…
THANK you!