found a cloning bug

let’s say I have a comp (COMP1), which contains a BUTTON comp: BUTTON comp is a clone of MASTER_BUTTON

inside BUTTON, I have a text top with the immune flag on. So I change parameters in the text top.

if I copy COMP1 and paste it to make COMP2, the BUTTON/text1 top will NOT be the same as COMP1’s, but will be the text1 top of MASTER_BUTTON.

So when a clone immune operator is copied, the copy is not from the tree that’s being copied, but from the master node (I’m sure it’s because of some other issue, like updateing etc., but that’s just to illustrate where clone immune ops get their settings from - not from the tree being copied but from the master node).

This is of course wrong because in my example above, BUTTON was customized to fit in the COMP1 environment, and when I copy it… then I have to go in manually and reset all the proper clone immune ops parameters!!!
