FPS drops when rendering anything

Hello guys, when I try to render any shape adding a line as a material, the fps count drops to 6, I have a decent PC so I don´t think the problem comes from there

Hi @estor,

welcome to the community and sorry you are running into this issue.
Could you provide a bit more information:

  • TouchDesigner build you are using
  • sample file
  • your OS and hardware setup
  • make sure your drivers are all up to date


Hi Markus, thanks for your answer

I´m using build 2023.12120

My specs are:
GPU: RX 6600
CPU: Ryzen 5 5600X
RAM: 16 GB
Motherboard: B450M DS3H V2
Storage: SSD

I checked and my drivers are up to date

This is the file I´m working on:
example.toe (4.5 KB)

Can you try uninstalling your graphics drivers and installing the latest ones from the AMD website?