From DAT to CHOP

I have single values in separate DAT ops. I need to massage this data using the Range option in a Math CHOP. But how do I get from a DAT to a CHOP?

add a “DAT to” CHOP into your network, then just drag and drop your dat table ontop of the “DAT to” CHOP.


Thanks , yes got this working.
Only remaining hurdle is how and where to use simple math scripts to manipulate data.

the evaluate DAT lets you use simple math expressions to manipulate the data (use $V as the input cell value in 077). I hav enot used the expression CHOP for a while but I think that will do what you need in the CHOPs domain.


Thanks Rod
just scratching the surface but finding that TD really rocks…and is probably the only app that makes my Asus N56VZ laptop work overtime;)

in Tscript mode, you can use a fit() expression to do the ranging trick in DATs

so, using an evaluate DAT, you could put something like:

          `fit($V, 0, 1, -1, 1)`

to convert a range of 0 to 1 to a range of -1 to 1

I’ll have to go look up the python equivalent for 088 but you can still switch a dat to stoneage mode to make it use Tscript instead. Python is heaps better in so many ways that it is worth learning as quickly as you can. I’m a bit slow with it - ironic, since I was one of the people to pester them to switch to python. :slight_smile:

another handy thing with incoming data is the Limit CHOP that can normalise ranges on-the-fly.