Function Chop --> Constant Chop


I’m trying to get the results of a Function Chop into a Constant Chop, or really anything that I can use in a Python script later in some downstream operators.

The problem that the results of the Function Chop (the abs node) aren’t populating the const0value field of the Constant Chop as I had hoped.

Python code from Constant Chop works as expected in downstream nodes, so if I could accomplish Function Chop → Constant Chop, this would solve my problem.


you would need to map the value to the constant parameter, or just reference the function chop directly in your script. in this case, your const0value can have a python expression (blue box to the right of the parname) that looks like op('abs')[0]. you could put that expression elsewhere as well, directly in your script. you could also make the abs node active (bottom right box) and drag the red channel name to where you want to map it and drop, i.e. the value of your constant

it looks like you have a multi frame channel in abs, but only one value. this is likely the result of an upstream trailCHOP… if you only want one frame, you could throw a trim in there, or add an extra [0] or [-1] to reference the frame that you want… otherwise your reference will scrub through the frames along with the timeline


op('abs')[0] does what I want.

would you then put the trim chop before the (abs) function chop?