Generate similar styled shapes


I’m trying to work out how I’d make a noise-based system based off of these shapes. I’d like to be able to change the seed so the shape is different in each replicator child but similar style.

Any suggestions?

Oooh, those are cool looking burtalist primitives.

I’d start with a grid, reduce it to just points, randomly delete some of the points, displace them on the y axis slightly and then build new primitves and render it.

I’ve attached a sketch showing the basic idea, but you’ll likely need to refine it to get it closer to what you need.
brutalist_shapes_sketch.toe (4.9 KB)

edit: here’s another example that omits the SOP deleting and quantizes the point positions, which seems to match the style better
brutalistpulses2.toe (6.0 KB)