Wondering if anyone can tell me what the default units are for the Transform and Scale Parameters on a Geo object (just using one for the first time)… I had been using some different Constants and Triggers to fuel these parameters on a Translate - set to pixels - and I re-exported these onto the same parameters on a Geo Comp and everything went crazy…
Is there a way to set/tell if it accepts the units in Pixels, Fractions, etc…?
The values for geometry don’t have units really. They are just numbers relative to each other.
If you are using an Orthographic projection then the Ortho width determines how many units wide the viewer is. So by default the width is 1, which means a translate of -0.5 in X will put the object on the left edge of the viewer, and a translate of 0.5 in X will be it on the right edge of the viewer.
I believe this is exactly what I was looking for, but I’d like to clarify with an example of what I was trying to do. My intention was to fill the viewer with a number of statically positioned and sized rectangles upon which various movie in’s would be projected via the phong MAT. I managed to do this, but it took me forever to properly size and position the rectangles with no overlaps or gaps. My conclusion was that this was because I didn’t understand how scales worked and how they related specifically to the position on the render and the view.
So, if I’m getting you clearly, if you use Orthographic projection then if I use a transform on one of these rectangles and set its x value to -.5, the center of the rectangle would be on the left edge? If so, does a rectangles size and center parameters use the same scale or is this ONLY the translate parameter of object? Do you see what Im getting at here? I’d like to know exactly where changing a value is going to place it in the viewer.
Also, while I’m at it, how do you change the performance mode window to match the resolution of the render. Right now its popping up as a square when the render resolution is rectangle. I did a search for performance mode but didnt find anything.
If any of this can be found in the WIKI or some other fundamental source, please point me to it.