Getting OSC Out Chop to output 0 when it has no input

Hello, I am working on a project where I need the OSC Out Chop to output 0s for any channels when they not see the inputs any more. Among other things, I am sending out a bunch of logic results, 1s or 0s, and when logic in TouchDesigner switches to 0 there is on corresponding OSC transmission of a 0 on the channel. So my receiving devices are only seeing the 1s.


That is a recurent question with chops, it doesn’t send the value if the value doesnt change.
For OSC, my technic is to use oscout dat with a python script. So you are sure to send the value, even if it not changes inside your process.

Thank you for your response. My python knowledge is almost non existent. Do you have an example you would be able to share?

Hello, Here is a tox allowing to send integer via OSC.
in the paameters, you write

  • ip address
  • port
  • integer value
  • OSC address
    Then you trigger “send”

et voilà
Feel free to look at the Python code inside chopexecute dat
sendOSC.tox (926 Bytes)

And using TD without Python is like drinking Burgundy in plastic gobelet

I am putting this here for anyone else looking for a python free solution in the future.

I came up with a slightly crude but dependable solution for the problem.

1)break out each chop channel to a single stream(if it is a multi channel chop) with a selectCHOP.
2) create a constantCHOP with the value of 0 and the same channel name.
3)use a mathCHOP to add the selectCHOP to the constantCHOP. Make sure the constant is first in the order.
4) send mathCHOP output to osc_outCHOP (or process more first if you need to)

Now when live input stops sending signal osc will output the result of the mathCHOP, which is 0, so there is a change in output.