Global Unicode Font - support for RTL languages in Tables and OP Viewer etc

So the default font for tables etc does not correctly display Arabic characters. I assume this is true for all Right to Left alphabets?

Is it possible to either be able to change the default font throughout or that the default font in future will support other languages better?

Currently it means things like OPViewer is no use to me to edit my Arabic text as it doesnt seem to respond correctly.

If I’m missing something my apologies… can you point me in the right direction?

We are missing RTL typing direction for sure. Are you saying it’s not rendering correctly either though? What build are you currently using?


Thanks for responding.

Im using 25420 as that was what the project started in.

All the rendered outputs are fine as I can choose a font and set directions etc

It’s just the internal font (open Sans?) which has problems. Which was fine until I tried to use OP Viewer Comp on a DAT as an editor for some part and it became awkward. We can use it but the client is grumbling a little…

I have discovered that the best format for importing Arabic Text into touch designer is TSV files in UTF 16

Can you give an example of the issues you are facing in the Op Viewer? It should be using a fallback font for any glyphs that the primary font doesn’t support.
Importing UTF8/UTF16 should all work the same though.

UTF 8 with Bom is needed for Arabic… at least in my experience.

I’m not expressing my self well maybe. In the OP Viewer its not that the symbols don’t display correctly its that when you go to edit a field the cursor starts in the wrong place and delete doesn’t work as expected. Also word order can be wrong. Unfortunately I don’t speak Arabic so am relying on the reports from users. I’ll try and get a screen capture of the issue. I