GLSL Import - Error C7532: Requires #Version 400 or higher?

Hey everyone,
just starting out to use TD for my projects and just working on how to import GLSL Shaders from Shadertoys to TD.

I’m following the instructions of … ertoy.html , but trying to do so for a GLSL MAT (since that’s what I’d like to use in the future).

I’m trying to import the first example code, changed the uniforms and samples, however compiling the shader leads to the error

Pixel Shader Compile Results:
0(8) : error C7532: global type sampler requires “#version 400” or later

I’ve attached the simple sample file I’m using, couldn’t really find anything on this specific error, I assume something wrong with my sampler declaration?
Would be great if someone here could push me in the right direction, I’m really excited to import glsl to TD!

20181218- GLSL importscript_1.2.toe (4.92 KB)

I think you want to use sampler2D, not sampler, as the variable type.

Yep so it works :slight_smile:

Thanks !