GLSL particles from CHOP pointcloud

Hi forum, this is my first post here!

I have loaded a .PLY pointcloud in a table and formated correctly with a python script.
I can draw it perfectly with circles instances in a GEO. But I think that it would be better, if I createt the pointCloud image with an GLSL particle system.

How can I create the GLSL parcicle system from a CHOP (tx, ty, tz, r, g, b).


I am no GLSL expert, but i would convert the CHOP/DAT into a 2 TOPs (one for color one for position) and input it as a texture into a GLSL MAT

Or input values into GLSL through uniforms

I didn’t understand how to do that.
I’ve prepared a simple project with Sphere (High Res) to CHOP to TOP and the GLSL MAT.

@Gallo, could you link what you say, please?

auveele_question_01.toe (4.0 KB)

Hi auveele,

You can also do this without glsl and using instancing:

Hope this helps.

I did like that before.

What object have you instanced? An sphere?
I have about 200K instances, and I tried with spheres and circles. With the first one is very slow, and in circles when I rotate, in 90*angle, it disappears.
Because that, I thought it will be better with the GLSL


as i said, not a GLSL expert here, but here is some example of how my brain would do !
probably a better way
hope this helps

GLSL_sprites.toe (6.8 KB)

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