I’ve been attempting to build a kaleidoscope GLSL Top and have run into a couple of problems. I haven really figured out how to repeat and mirror a texture in polar coordinates. I’ve got cartesian to polar math but mostly I can only rotate the whole texture.
For now though I’ve mapped a glsl Top to a glsl mat that is connected to a cone. With this I can transform the whole texture on the cone as well a transform the individual mirrors of the texture going into the cone. I’m hoping someone could point me in the right direction to do all this in one shader. For now I don’t mind using the cone for the overall shape and just adjust the transformations in 2d, hopefully later I can do it all in the GLSL top once can understand transforming within a transform. I’m not sure if I’m explaining myself well so below is a .toe showing what I’m talking about.
Geo_Kaleide.toe (8.11 KB)