Having issues with oak D

I just want to see all the data, am I doing something wrong?

Hi @laxita,

can you post a minimal reproducible example?
First thing though that comes to mind though is that you would have to start the OAK pipeline by clicking the Start parameter on the OAK Device CHOP.


all I want is xy coordinates of a person. keeps telling me specified filename wasn’t found in output for oak select, also I cannot select which stream I want to select in oak select.

Hi @laxita,

sorry, would have to see the pipeline script you created for the OAK and also what models you are using. Please share your project.

Have you checked out the examples in the TouchDesigner Samples folder?


my understanding was that oakD is plug and play, all im doing is getting an OAK device chop, an OAK select chop and trying to get the xy coordinates of a person.
can you guide me to do what’s the correct way to go about it?

example spatial location config only shows me z data

also my camera keeps freezing every minute, not sure what to do about that

Hi @laxita,

the oak’s benefit is that it is a programmable camera. By itself it doesn’t do much until a pipeline is loaded onto it with instructions on how to analyze the images or sensor data. It’s fairly involved but with it’s features greatly customizable.
So if you want it to do object detection, then most likely you have to integrate a pipeline making use of depthai’s Yolo Detection Node.

In the samples have a look at the yoloTinyDeviceTracker example and see if that works for you. It has the option to detect people and outputs channels including “roi_x” as well as “roi_y” for each detected person.

I suppose there are no errors when it’s freezing? Does that only happen with TouchDesigner or also when using the OAK with other applications?

Please also mention your TouchDesigner version and OS.


I have latest TD and M1 Pro. I need to detect a persons xy coordinate in no light setting

in the examples spatial location config, I can see only z position although there is x y coordinates but it doesn’t show up.

Hi @laxita,

the x/y output seems to be working. What can be deceiving is that x/y will be 0 unless you move the box away from the center:
