im using Mac
I don’t understand why it can’t find the openai module
I have done:
pip install --upgrade openai
and placed in the settings in the python 64bit path this:
I have checked and there is a folder named “openai” In this path
something weird that I didn’t fully understand is that in the td textport its written python 3.9.5
Please help me, thanks !
January 29, 2024, 12:28pm
Hi @erezc.media ,
if the Textport in TouchDesigner reports using python 3.9.5, it would point to the TouchDesigner version you are using being of the 2022.30x branch.
Our latest Official is using python 3.11 and can be downloaded here: Download | Derivative
For reliably working with python libraries that are not included in TouchDesigner, I would recommend managing this via an anaconda or miniconda environment. There is a great article and instructions written by @JetXS here: https://derivative.ca/community-post/tutorial/anaconda-managing-python-environments-and-3rd-party-libraries-touchdesigner
You can also give @alphamoonbase TD-PIP a try which
installs PIP directly in your project and dynamicly downloads and import the libraries in your project.
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