HDRI visible environment

Hello! Maybe I am just overlooking something, but when I am using Environment light, I cannot see it as a background/sky as I am used to in different 3d programs (i applied a texture to it, tried adding materials to it). Is it possible in TD, or is there a different technique to do so? I have turned the render ON and the render flag is also on. Thank you very much for any tips!


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That is correct. The Environment Light is a light, it does not generate a 3d skybox scene.

The usual approach to generate a skybox in your scene is to place a Sphere SOP in a Geo COMP which is so large that it contains your whole 3d-scene and camera, and apply a Constant MAT texture to the inside of the sphere. Usually this texture is the same as you use in your Environment Light.

If your texture is a cube map you can also create a large Box SOP with your cube map texture applied to it.

if you search for “skybox” on this forum you’ll find some examples.


Thank you so much! This is what i needed to hear. :bulb: Being used to classic 3d programs makes one’s brain a bit lazy:)