[Help] Floating point clouds shall transform to object when a person is tracked on camera

Hi! I am really new to TD. For my project I need advice on how I can achieve the following:

When the camera is tracking no person, the particles of the point cloud shall float everywhere.
But whenever a person is tracked on the camera, the point clouds shall move to their position creating the 3d model which rotates.

I have spend hours trying to figure out how this works but I just don’t get it to work!
I think of using noise for the random float and using a switch for the camera track.
I have a nvidia graphics card, so bodytrack is possible (though i dont know if needed)

I really need some help on this.
My base was a file from the dear JY8627 (where the head deconstructs)

This is what shall be shown when the camera tracks a person. this is the file I already made
[Head is spinning]

I would be so thankful about every help.
Thanks in advance

Check out the tutorial link in this article

The part 3 of this video series “Napolean Dissolved” is very close to what you are trying to do, this technique should get you there.