Hey guys,
I am a little fresh to optimising my setup and need a little help reading the performance dialogue, could any body give me a pointer on what’s clogging up my system? I’m not sure what downloading texture data from GPU is?
Hey guys,
I am a little fresh to optimising my setup and need a little help reading the performance dialogue, could any body give me a pointer on what’s clogging up my system? I’m not sure what downloading texture data from GPU is?
What kind of cpu/gpu do you have? Some types of lower end ones can get stuck doing that a lot.
Assuming that’s not the issue for you, usually the culprit lies generally in taking data back and forth between cpu → gpu → cpu → gpu throughout a single frame.
For example any places you have a top to chop going? Or sampling a texture, stuff like that?
Yup, cook 42 is a TOPtoCHOP which is the badboy here.
@paddy98 How big is your image?
But yeah, in general shuffling data from the GPU-Memory (everything in TOP-land) to the CPU-Memory (Chops, Dats, Python etc) takes a lot of time in itself. The bigger the data the more time needed for it.
Just this simple conversion here for example takes quite alot of time:
Ah yes, I think that is it. The resolution is about 70X50, I have been playing around with it a lot, but I need to download the data every frame as I am instancing geometry from people’s movements! @lucasm I just have Intel HD Graphics 5000 1536 MB so not the most powerful ever but not too bad!
Thank you for your help!