Hi all, I need a little help, please. with the Vive/OpenVR. I just used that “viveRender” COMP form the palette. It works fine, but I need to translate the Camera’s X/Y/Z to move the point of view from the keyboard (not the angle, just the position).
If I change the tx, ty and tz in the “xForm” label of the camera the POV changes even just changing rotation.
I tried:
- to change tx, ty amd tz both in Xform and Pre-Xform labels
- to change Transfor order in all the ways
- to assign also the Pivot
Does the x, y and z are passed to the camera via the eyeLXform and eyeRXform CHOPS? I didn’t find any documentation to understand the channels… I also tried to force the 30, 31 and 32 channels, the only ones that where at 0 value, but with no success.
Thank you for your attention.