*HELP* Symmetrical Texture Cube Mapping

I am having trouble mapping a noise TOP to a cube in a symmetrical way. I have managed to apply the texture to the cube but it looks messy as each cube face is displaying its own part of the texture as seen in the first photo. I would like the textures on each face to be oriented in one direction as seen in the second photo.
First Photo:

Second Photo:

Any help would be appreciated!

Hello, using cube map, flip flap and texture, you can obtain what you want, but only on one corner. Topology is adverse to 4 edges / 6 face symmetry!

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And the file
flipFlapNoise.toe (4.0 KB)


Thank you man really appreciate the help!

There was one other thing I was trying to do which is have the 3 sides of the cube (left face, right face, top face) act as it they are one surface with the visual being projected across all of them at once, Instead of being projected onto each face individually. I was reading about this and I think it has something to do with either a quad reprojection or a reverse projection map? Would love some help with this.


Hello, I understand want you want but its not exactly what you asked first. Its impossible to fold a plane to a corner, you nead to cut (seam) somewhere, as in uv unwrapping.
There is 3 solutions available in TD

Hey touchdesigner’s,
i followed these instructions but i think they are not exactly what i would like to create. I’m trying to obtain a 3d model (like previz) through the Cubemap that reproduces an immersive environment in which the facades of the cube on which to apply the textures are the 6 internal facades and not the external ones. What method should i follow to obtain this result? Is the way offered by the top cubemap the right one?

Hi @multiverso,

not 100% sure but are you looking for the Texture Coordinates setting of the Box SOP where you can choose between Cube Map Inside and Cube Map Outside ?


Hi Markus,
thank you for your reply. I try to explain my objective better. I would like to create an immersive installation similar to Refik Anadol’s Infinity room (with the difference that he’s an unreachable artist and i a beginner). For this, I would first create the three-dimensional pre-visualization in TD, reproducing the 5 sides of the cube (room) and projecting on the surfaces the images of my interest.
I followed some community explanations about the Cubemap but what i obtained is a cube with the textures applied on the 6 external facades.
Another approach i’m following is Bileam Tschepe’s tutorial on virtual projection, which is a good solution but my goal is to exploit the previz in touchdesigner to get a layout that I can control directly with TD.
Which methodology is most suitable to follow with respect to this goal?