Help with feedback and mutliple geos

is there a way to apply feedback to the particles I have created and not the text surrounding it (see attached). I only know how to apply feedback to the render top at the very end.

Many thanks,
rachel_rot_and_particles.1.toe (7.82 KB)

I’ve found this thread which suggests using a render top in combination with a render pass top. It seem to be helping if I composite the text and particles with ‘difference’ but I’m still flying blind.


so the problem is to have feedback on the particles but not the text objects right?
but the text goes in front of and behind the particles …

maybe to set up some kind of depth-test when you render each one so that yu render the particles and the text thingies completely separately but use a renderpass in dpth mode to get you a grayscale map of how far from the camera each thing is and then somehow use that to decide what occludes what.

a cruder thing would be to put all the particle points on the same z location so it’s a flat thing at rightangles to the camera, then chop the geometry in half then render the back half under the particles with feedback and render the front half over the particles. might need to blur things a bit to stop it looking too cut-out though…

anyway, just thinking aloud. there are better ideas to come from others I hope.:slight_smile:

here’s what I got up to with compositing and a renderpass. It works pretty well but I’d like to be able to composite two or more 3d geos together with different top effects.


p.s. interestingly. I thought I might be able to do the feedback blur on the rendering of the particles inside it’s own geo and just pass that to the render pass. BUT although it renders (look in geo3) the feeback effect is not applied there at that level. Interesting and annoying. :slight_smile:
rachel_rot_and_particles_fb.5.toe (8.37 KB)