I´m having two problems with my visual project in TouchDesigner (file attached)
1. Transition between videos:
With the help of MoviePlayer, I am reading videos and processing them after with noising, displacing, feedback, etc… Problem is that, even if the videos are well transitioned, with fade out and fade in included in MoviePlayer component, then after applying noise and displacing, the feedback loop is not “respecting” this fade out of the video outcoming, so the result is that the video that should go out fading out, goes out abruptly or with lose bright just before turn off. The transition trigger is coming from Ableton via MIDÏ, so I was wondering if it would be another king of fade out, fade in to trigger, maybe after the feedback loops. What would you suggest?
2. Feedback loop :
My second problem is related to feedback and displace loop itself. I load the video and then modify it in sort of watercolor by applying noises and dispacement in feedback loops. The problem here is that this displace is ending in a almost white screen after a while, and I don´t know exactly how to re-feed this loop without reseting it.
Details : attached you´ll find my project. Inside there is a “videos” component, in which there is a Replicator loading videos via moviefilein tops that are assigned to a MoviePlayer component. For testing purposes you can change the path in the DAT table to load your own videos.
Could you please help me!!!
Thank you very much community!!!
visuals_for_forum_2.toe (278.9 KB)