Hi I can’t drag component from the palette browser into the network

I can’t drag components from the palette browser into the network.
I have replaced Windows 7 with Windows 10 and I have a problem … please help

@yossig can you add your current build to this? I think that’s usually helpful for the derivative team when they’re trying to reproduce a bug.

Thanks for your response
I can’t drag my project from the “palette”… “my components” into the network

Hi @yossig - by build I mean the number that’s attached to your TD installation. For example the current build of touch is 2020.22080.

It probably has something to do with your component itself. If you can save the component that you’re putting into the palette into a tox file and send it to support@derivative.ca, we can probably figure out what’s going on. Link this forum post in the email.