High GPU timings on inTOPs

Hi Derivative team,

I’ve been having some weird GPU timings in the latest versions of TD. Here in this screenshot you can see that I’m getting pretty high values on the gpu time of an inTOP. If I switch it to a slect TOP I still get really high timings. It seems pretty random and doesn’t always show up on the same TOPs when I open up my project file. Could something I’m doing be causing this? Sadly my project is quite big and I can’t reproduce this in a simpler file.

Thanks for your help in advance, let me know if I can give more info.


In general these seem to be just pipeline bubbles, where the GPU is idle for some amount of time. Is your GPU usage at 100%? If not then the timing can be tricky to depend on for simple operations such as In TOP, which isn’t really doing anything

Ok got it! I thought it was something of that sort. My gpu isn’t at 100%. Thanks for your quick response.