Houdini Engine for TouchDesigner proof of concept - 2021-02-01 12:43

Houdini Engine for TouchDesigner proof of concept

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Wow, i am so curious to test it.
The HDA can be reload every frame ?
For the simulation, you have to simulate then playback in touch right ?

Thanks Petit Sapin for this amazing project
I will follow it closely

All it does is load an HDA and cook it at each frame and fetch the resulting geometry, so as long as the HDA outputs a geo it will be output to TouchDesigner.

It runs the simulation straight from TouchDesigner so no need to do anything special.

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pretty cool concept!

That is super awesome! I would be glad to be a beta tester.

I would love to test / buy this :slightly_smiling_face:

same! would love to support financially in order to utilize!

This is great, would also support!

This is looking great. I’ve been using Houdini for years, and over the past year have began to use TD as well. I’ve been trying, with very little luck to get geometry from Houdini into TD live via the network chop in Houdini. I have no background in coding so I hit a wall fast. My main goal is to be able to edit geometry in Houdini and have it update live in TD, for final tweaks on site for more complex projection mapping installs. What you’ve got working with engine, looks very promising.

This is great :heart_eyes: Would love to support/test too!

Me too. I am interested in learning also of any beginner artist type non-coders who have started with touch designer and later learned some Houdini to do some of the more complex non-real time simulation stuff. Is it is a good second-program to learn or would you suggest more learning Unreal or Unity for complex VR type 3D stereo animations and simulations? I am just starting to look at GLSL but prefer node based stuff to cryptic code expressions. Do you need to be a good programmer to use Houdini or can less talented folks learn how to do cool stuff without pages of code?