Hi all, I’m a bit stumped with this one. I’m reading data from an Arduino sensor, and I’ve separated the string of numbers I want in a select DAT so that there’s a constant stream of three-digit numbers being listed in the order that they are fed from the sensor.
I want to use these numbers to modulate parameters in TD. My issues are that 1, I can’t figure out how to get rid of the 0_ prefix shown in the dat to chop, it’s listing every number as 0_398, 0_345, etc. The columns in the convert DAT are first, unlabelled and showing the numbers of rows 1 - 10, and second column, labelled column 0. Getting another select DAT and telling it to only read column 0 shows both columns, and telling it only to read column 1 shows no data as there is no such column.
Secondly, it looks like I can’t reference the entire string of numbers as a chop reference, but rather one number from the DAT to CHOP and I’m trying to figure out how to feed the constant string of numbers into the parameters of another operator. Any help would be appreciated!
Edit: I feel like I’m not using the Select DAT properly but not sure how to fix it, this is what happens when selecting column 0.