High TD friends,
Probably a simple enough problem but wondering how I can render lines in a high-quality way. I want a very smooth effect if possible.
I’ve attached a .toe that has three lines converted to particles, then rendered as point sprites. My initial attempt was to use a circular ramp on the point sprites but I still can’t seem to get a smooth finish.
Any suggestions?
rgb-lines.9.toe (6.96 KB)
if you want a smooth line, you should not convert the Line to particles first. Also increase the anti-aliasing on the Render TOP.
Adding a Blur TOP immediately after the Render TOP will further smooth the lines.
rgb_lines_var1.tox (3.79 KB)
But in the current experimental release there’s a new material added, Line MAT which will create very smooth lines, and also super easy to make them thicker, and add cool stuff like use distance for thickness/color variations.
Example (need to open in TD build 2019.10700 or newer):
rgb_lines_LineMAT.tox (3.89 KB)
Thank you! Good lessons about anti-aliasing and rendering.
Just checked the Line MAT. Nice!