Hi, i have a texture, how can i transform it to frequency and time to make sound?
how do i read it through an lfo or another oscillator?
Theres lots of ways you could do this. Personally I would pipe the osc data from touch into maxmsp or ableton live and do it there as they have more audio options. For texture I would use granular synthesis and use the different aspects of the textures to change things like grain size and spacing.
i’m new to td, i found top to but i don’t know how to read those values and send them to an oscillator.
In puredata, you can read frequency from a table and read it with an osc.
how can i read a texture as a dat table and read it sequentially?
my issue is to convert that data to change over time with some function
I think you’re describing the inverse short-time fourier transform. TouchDesigner’s Audio Spectrum CHOP is the fourier transform (not the inverse). You’d have to find an implementation of it.
What you might be interested in is wavetable synthesis based off an image which I’ve posted here
Audio synthesis example Each row of an image can become a wave cycle. This is Demonstrated in the Serum VST where people drop images into the program and it treats rows of the image as wave cycles The Simpsons for Serum FREE Soundset - YouTube
Some of the projects I ve done involve mapping different colors to different frequencies. So you can map the RGB values to a value in Hz ( ie an oscilator) . You can also use the brightness of the pixel to control volume, for example. I previously did this with jitter in max but im sure you can get the rgb values for pixels in touch and then use and osc object to sent to max or even use tdableton. You can probably do some oscilator stuff in touch too but I would generally use a dedicated audio program for audio.You can also use the position of the pixels to control stereo image. All of these things should be streams of numbers you can find in touch, pipe them to and audio program or withing touch to control different sounds or effects. I am assuming of course that your "texture " is moving and not a still image. You can still do these things with still images, for example scanning down through an image in a line. Sound of course changes through time (unless its some really static drone music) but still images dont so i prefer to use moving textures/images for this kind of work. Let us know how you get on.
lol the Simpsons wavetable is kind of great.