how do patterns work in loadcomponent?

touch → help loadcomponent
Usage: loadcomponent [-u] [-v] [-d] filename [pattern…]

	This will load the component filename into the current component.

	The -u will leave the nodes inputs unwired.
	The -v will return the name(s) of the new node(s) created.
	The -d will run the destination drop script of the component.

	Optional patterns can be specified.

	loadcomponent -v c:/test.tox
	loadcomponent -v c:/test.tox icon1 help1

See also:  savecomponent cc

touch →

I’ve tried to use optional patterns, thinking those are either a new name you can give the component, a new destination, but they seem to be ignored.

Can someone explain what the optional patterns are?


The pattern is used for only loading certain nodes out of a .tox file. If you specify a pattern, only the nodes that match the pattern will be loaded.

Ive updated the help to be more clear.