How to align the aspect ratio of particlesGpu to the camera input when using a TOP as a particleSource

I’m having a lot of difficulty figuring out how to change the aspect ratio of the particlesGPU to align with the particleSource TOP. As you can see in the photo, the left is squished vs the particleSource from the right. I think particlesGpu has a square ratio by default and I would like to change it to 16:9

Hi @prismcoders,

the particle source is determined by the r,g,b values in the TOP itself as it is interpreted as a pointcloud, the aspect ratio of the operator has no impact. A sphere source for example, could look like this:

and a torus on the ZX plane can look like this:

To judge the shape of the particle source, best to use the “View as Points” viewer state of the TOP.
