how to best create a trigger button

I’ve been struggling with this on and off… it seems to be I’m either missing the obvious solution, or there isn’t an obvious one (in which case a trigger button on the trigger chop would be great).

At given times, I want a trigger chop (or any other chop) to output a value of 1 for one frame. It’s not necessarily tied to increasing/decreasing values, but maybe to several scripts each of them can decide, based on the most crazy math, string comparisons, etc. - to push the “trigger” button.

I always find myself having to reset something at the following frame, making it really cumbersome (on that same note, it would be nice if Derivative added a “delay” command, something that is like run -d but doesn’t run a script, just a “delay -f 1 opparm mytrigger value0 ( 0 )” kind of thing without requiring yet another script)

any clear cut suggestions - again, I’d like a trigger button somewhere. Lacking that I can go back to my convoluted delayed commands.


The run command already has delay in seconds, milliseconds, or frames. You can put your other commands like opparm in a Text DAT and then use run -f 1 textDATname to run it the next frame.

Did you try using a button component and clicking it via the click command? You don’t have to reset anything and it the select panel value for example just has a pulse for 1 frame. (set the button component to momentary)
