How to connect kinect projector

Hello, I’m pretty new to TD, i’ve been playing with for a whole.
Now I’m working on a project and I finish the patch whatever it called! and I don’t know how to connect it to a wall projector. My project is an interactive and it connected to Kinect.
I searched and didn’t find any clear tips on how to do it. other than starting over and do something totally different than my project. and I finished it and the last step is on connect my projector to the project itself.
I read that Kantan Mapper 2 could help but i don’t know how.
can anyone help me? sorry if my question is easy.
My kinect is 360, version 1

Hello, you must be more precise, what do you want to project on your wall: the kinect camera image? Something moved by a body? Some depth analysis?
Many different things are possible, try to describe it or give images.

thank you for fast reply!
basically my project is kinect camera image where the image itself collapse. so it’s a real-time glitching
— i just tried Kantan mapper but it didn’t project my wall. it just a projector that project my desktop


you need to use a WindowCOMP for that purpose. Drag and drop the final operator you want to project on the WindowCOMP and set it up, then clic on “open as a separate window” on theWindowCOMP parameter.

In your project, if you go up a level you will see a perform node which is a default WindowCOMP specifically assigned for the perform mode, you can also use it as above.