Hello everyone!
I am learning touchdesigner since a couple of weeks now (self-taught). Currently I am trying to visualize the temperature curve of a day with color. Certain ranges have different colors, I want to assign them to “comfort ranges”.
For example 18-24°C (nice) = green; 37+°C (way too hot) = magenta etc.
I prepared a table from 55°C to -33°C and added the r g b values for each range.
With a noise I generated a “realistic” temperature curve to test how my ideas could be realized.
I thought I could solve this nicely with CHOPS.
My problem is, that somehow the temperature in the outcome is incorrect and either too high or low. When I change the index range in the Lookup Chop the rgb channels are going crazy. I don’t understand, where the mistake is or if my approach is just completely wrong.
The noise generates temperature between ~9-14°C but in the lookup it is suddenly around 28°C.
Convert the temperature to TOP and use the LookupTOP with a ramp. (You can also use the LimitTOP to normalize the valuesv[bring them between 1 and 0] for the lookup.