How to control video/visuals in touch designer via OSC from MAX MSP

Hi there, I am new at Touch Designer. I have been trying to control/manipulate video in real-time in TD via OSC using audio from MAX MSP to trigger live the video in TD.
I have setup the udpsend in MAX and the OSC in object in TD correctly and I can see incoming stream of data. I am using the Movie File In object for my mov. file and I cannot seem to be able to figure out how to send these data to the Movie File In object in order to be able to control and manipulate the video in real-time. Any help would be much appreciated. Many thanks, Nicola

There are lots of ways to mess with a movie, but the simplest (not the prettiest) is probably to turn “Cue” parameter on and reference the incoming chop data from the “Cue Point” parameter

Hi Ivan,

Thanks so much!

I followed your suggestion. I have the video playing in Movie File In but when I turned on the “Cue” the video stops. I tried to turn on “Cue” and change some of the parameters in the Cue Point such as Index, Frames etc but the video still does not receive / react to the incoming chop data from Max.

I am wondering if there is something I am missing or I am doing wrong?

Any help would be extremely appreciated :slight_smile:


Turn cue on, make sure the cue point unit is set to “%”, and attach your data to the numerical value of the cue point, making sure the value is between 0 and 1. This is just a basic proof of concept type of thing, not what you’d probably want to use for real.