How to detect runners' path in real-time

Hello, I wanna make a basketball game pragram as below,

but I hava a question, how to detect players’ path accuratedly, I knew the Lidar didn’t work in this way, cuz it can’t detect full players if one guy obstruct the sweep made by Lidar, so I am wondering what did they get it
Here is my guess, using a camera to
detect their track and record their data and transfer in real-time to the Video Device Out Top from TouchDesigner, maybe it need to be used openCV to reprocessing them

I don’t know anyone have some good ideas, please reply to me thanks!

This is likely lidar, but just using multiple devices so you have coverage in the case of obstruction

there are also LED floors which have tiles that sense location. I think its likely that this was used here.

Hi, has anyone had the opportunity to use lidar (I have a YLIDAR G4) with touchdesigner? I would like to use it to do the same thing that our friend posted above.

I think it use UWB which like a GPS system, seting in players’ ankle or neck

there are many ways to do this…
one way is by using a thermal camera (FLIR Vue Pro Thermal Camera for Drones | Teledyne FLIR) from above and then do blob tracking. here is an example : People Detection Using Far Infrared Thermal Sensor Array (MLX90640) - YouTube
newtworked LIDAR mesh would also work…