How to easily merge sops in different geo comps?


I’m wondering what the easiest way is to merge multiple sops spread across various network paths. I’m trying to use the final merged sop as the collision input on a particle system.

Also - assume that this is going to be implemented within a project that is already complete and was not originally designed with this in mind.

Looking for some kind of programming solution vs. connecting wires.



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I just figured out my own answer while typing the other question you see below.
I guess I have never used it before and while typing the last sentence talking about using a select dat I was like wait a second…fired up touch and it does exist. Ha. I guess I would still like to see what someones solution to my other question would be though.

So…SOP to DAT and then DAT to SOP - Is there some kind of simple way I have not yet discovered to spit out an exact duplicate of the input sop as the output on other end without a lot of steps?